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Transfusion Science Webinar- on demand
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Equalis – utbildningsdagarna för transfusionsmedicin, oktober 2022
I samband med utbildningsdagarna på Royal Park, Stockholm den 27–28 oktober finns LABEX på plats som utställare under båda dagarna. Ett gediget program med spännande föreläsningar som har tagits fram av Equalis expertgrupp i transfusionsmedicin och som omfattar såväl uppföljning... [Läs mer]
Transfusion Science Webinar August 30
Learn why Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn (HDFN) remains a challenge for immunohematology laboratories. In this new Transfusion Science Webinar, Carla Dinardo, MD, PhD, explains why the HDFN remains a challenge despite the many advances made to either... [Läs mer]
Two years into the global COVID-19 pandemic… what can serology testing tell us about immune status?
Invitation Webinar SARS-CoV-2 Serology Testing June 29 Featured Topics ■ How SARS-CoV-2 serology testing results correlate with individual immune responses to COVID-19 infections or vaccinations ■ The value of SARS-CoV-2 serology testing and potential role of quantitative assays in determining... [Läs mer]
Invitation Transfusion Science Webinar June 23
”D” Solution: When Serology Meets Genotyping, 23 June 09.00 with Sofia Lejon Crottet, PhD, Head of the Swiss National Immunohematology Reference Laboratory. Register now![Läs mer]